GDPR - are you ready? Managing employee data (with a handy checklist)
As a small business owner with employees, the data protection changes are going to impact on your HR activities. From recruitment and...
Onboarding and Inductions - is it worth your time?
You’re busy, you’re stressed and you have 101 things still do to. You’re waiting for your next hire to start and it cannot come soon enough.
Steps to hire the right team and grow your business
So you’ve considered your business projections and trends, reviewed your finances (thoroughly!) and you know your business is growing. You a
When can you do it yourself, and when do you need an HR Consultant?
There are a number of reasons for when you may need to use and need an HR Consultant when running your own business. Here are some areas you
The cost of poor interviews and bad hires, 3 ways to make your recruitment more effective.
The cost of poor interviews and bad hires, 3 ways to make your recruitment process more effective